01495 370723
Trusting Hands Ltd
`We are here to make your life easier'
About Trusting Hands Ltd
Our care managers will visit you to discuss your exact requirements and advise you accordingly. This service is absolutely free and places the enquirer under no obligation. A service delivery plan will be designed to meet your specific needs and a carer will then be assigned to carry out your specific requirements.
Agreement will be kept on file at Trusting Hands Ltd.
Our fees are currently £14.00 per hour for Domestic for Personal Care (double time is charged on Bank Holidays).
Depending on the personal financial situation, a Service User can either pay the fees privately (as above) or receive benefits arranged by Social Services. The current rules can be complicated and specific advice is available from your Social Worker. If an individual is receiving a service through Social Services, Trusting Hands Ltd has no involvement with the fees.
As an organisation involved with continual improvement and development, this is what you can expect from Trusting Hands Ltd:
Respect of your dignity and independence
Give you privacy
Offer you choice
Help you live as full a life as possible
Respect your rights
Ensure that you are not subject to discrimination in respect to age, gender, race or sexuality
We continually consult with our service users and carers through informal interviews and questionnaires. Additionally, our Care Manager constantly monitors Home Care assistant’s performance to ensure they meet your requirements. The quality standards of service that you can expect from this agency are:
Time sheets
All care workers are given a weekly time sheet which details their work schedule for each day. All care staff are allocated an 0800 number which they use to log in and out of each visit, there is no cost to any service user, we just require the use of their land line. Any service user who does not have a land line will be given a call confirm box which will enable the care worker to log the call via a mobile phone. This will allow the office staff to monitor all calls to every service user, making the calls are delivered on time and for the correct length of time. The call monitoring is reported "in real time" to the office and on call which allows office staff to be up to date with calls planned
If we are unable to provide you with your usual home carer(s), we will endeavour to let you know in advance and ensure you know the name of the replacement carer.
Dignity and Respect
Home carers employed by the agency will treat you with care, politeness, and respect.
We provide your service within the days and times specified on your care plan. If for whatever reason your Home Care Assistant is unable to arrive within half an hour of the agreed time you will be notified and alternative arrangements will be made.
Home care workers employed by this agency will not divulge details on your personal circumstances without your agreement, unless failure to do so would put you at risk. Employees found to be in breach of this code may be subject to the Trusting Hands Ltd Disciplinary Procedure.
Information and Involvement
Trusting Hands Ltd will provide you with information about the care which we are able to provide and its cost. You will also be provided with information that will enable you to complain if you are not satisfied with any aspect of the care provided to you.
We are committed to provide a responsive and flexible service wherever possible to meet your assessed needs. This may include visits on the weekends, public holidays, early morning, evenings and urgent situations whenever possible.
We will inform you about our fees at the outset of care. We will write in advance to you if there are any changes to the level of fees.